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Our projects

Education is the key word for our mission. To change a child's life, you must also work together with its family and the community. Children's problems are too complex for a single solution. That's why we use different insights, tools and disciplines to come to an integrated problem-solving that is tailored to the needs and wants of the child and his family and allow them to use the available opportunities and  salvages to improve their lives.

In order to create the best future for children and communities, the organisation relies on four approaches:


"Education is a unique opportunity to open children's hearts and minds to the incredible wonders of the universe."


When it comes to education, every extra day, week, month and year a child attends school has an impact and should be encouraged and appreciated.


Through quality education, children acquire essential knowledge, skills and mentality to become agents of change within their own lives, in their communities and around the world as a whole. The journey to end poverty forever begins with a child. Children and their education is the cornerstone of our efforts.


We want to give as many children and young people of single parents and orphans the best possible education, upbringing and future. This by paying school fees and school related costs, as well as advocating for the rights of the child and supporting the parents.

More than 1 million children do not attend school in Kenya



It is health that is real wealth and not pieces of gold or silver - Mahatma Ghandi


Many children and the community in general, do not have access to high quality medical care. Our clinic helps identify health problems that would otherwise go unnoticed.


As a result of poverty there is a lot of tuberculosis, malaria and child mortality in Kamulu and among the Ruai population, in the region of Seed Of Love. With the doctor's office - by means of free consultations and vaccinations - we provide affordable healthcare for the poorest of the poor.


Less than 1,000 dentists serve Kenya's 44 million inhabitants, from the remote corners of the bush to the vast Kibera slum of Nairobi. Oral hygiene is rare outside privileged urban regions. Our local dentist is changing this. The children of the project are checked annually and we attract the communities around to come for a dental checkup due to the affordable prices Seed Of Love offers.


Giving birth should be your greatest achievement, not your greatest fear. 63% of pregnant women choose to give birth at home, mainly because health facilities are too far away, they have no transport to go to them and they are too expensive. According to UN estimates, Kenya is one of 21 countries with very high maternal and infant mortality rates. It is estimated that 1 in 20 children die before their fifth birthday.


Here in Kamulu, that's no exception. That's why we, Seed Of Love are committed to creating a safe and affordable place for women to bring their children safely into this world. At the moment we are in the process of building two delivery rooms and five admission rooms.


Community and family

Empower the village to raise the child


Poverty has many roots - in government policies, gaps in education, disability, discrimination, isolation and so on. Extreme poverty means $1.90 a day or less. 1 in 5 of the Kenyan children live in this extreme poverty. The poverty cycle in which these children live brings hunger and living with hunger prolongs poverty. If people find better ways to earn a living, they are more likely to get out of poverty. A simple opportunity for parents to earn a living stops the cycle of poverty for their children. In Kenya, the unemployment rate is 39.1% and these figures are probably even higher in reality. Lack of employment makes it difficult to pay for basic needs but also to have a purpose in life.


Economic empowerment of households is therefore one of our pillars. Through training, workshops and information sessions, we can educate families and communities on not only how to improve their financial situation, but also their health, mental well-being and their relationship with others. We provide training such as sewing and knitting, wood or metal working, computer classes, growing vegetables or keeping small livestock.


“If you want to go fast, go alone, if you want to go far, go together.” - African Proverb





Far from being hopeless, Africa is full of hope and potential, maybe more so than any other continent. The challenge is to ensure that its potential is utilised. — Mo Ibrahim


We believe in a self-sufficient Kenyan community that does not depend on aid, but on the ingenuity and abilities of its own people. We believe in communities that make their own decisions and we encourage our members to contribute to the agenda of our projects.


And that same vision is also something we hold dear for ourselves as an organisation. As an organisation, we want to be self-sufficient in the future. Agriculture is a great blessing here. On our 1.1 hectare site we grow vegetables and keep small poultry. The vegetables we grow are organic, nutritious and sold at democratic prices. The agricultural project also teaches youngsters and children how to grow organic food in their own backyard so they can grow some vegetables at home.


Despite the rainy season in March and December, the Kamulu region is a warm and dry place. The well ensures that we can offer water to the locals, but also allow our vegetables to grow and the poultry to quench their thirst.


By generating projects and incomes as an organisation, we are already well on our way to becoming financially self-sufficient.

Our realisations

  • Start of the project

  • Building plots are bought and the land is fenced and ploughed

  • 10 children are supported in going to school  

  • We built a public toilet and laundry

  • Rough building of office and guard house is started

  • 35 students are in the school cirriculum.

  • Seed Of Love becomes a legal non-profit organisation (VZW) in Belgium and becomes a member of the SWOS

  • Drilling a 160m deep well to supply water to the project

  • Main power is connected

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  • By drilling the well, we can now sell potable water. A water house is built to sell it. The yield for this water is or the project and agriculture.

  • Seed Of Love becomes a recognized CBO ( Community Based Organisation) in Kenya. 

  • The first student goes to Rijks University to study Forensic ICT

  • The guard house will be converted to a doctor's office with a waiting room. 

  • The converted doctor's office is now open to the public. The children of the project are examined free of charge twice a year.

  • An incinerator is built for syringed and KGA-waste

  • Fruit trees are planted namely mango and papaya trees

  • Addition of 120 tons of claysoil to farmland

  • Purchase of a large tent that serves as a multipurpose space for meetings and workshops

  • 3 students go to Rijks University. The first one follows Forensic ICT the second architecture and the third civil engineer. .

  • An extra building is being built next to the doctor's office for a future dental practice.

  • A dental chair is purchased and the children of the project are checked once a year.

  • The doctor's office is being transformed into a children's waiting room and a laboratory with a pharmacy

  • For the first time, we're handing out food packages to families in need

  • We now also provide the possibility for running water to houses through pipes

  • We start building delivery rooms

  • Agriculture is perfected and professionally developed

  • The new website comes online 

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  • Through the grant from Stad Hasselt, we can purchase an ultrasound machine

  • Now that the delivery rooms are ready, we were able to witness our first miracle, the first birth at Seed of Love medical center

  • The subsidy from the City of Hasselt allows us to install greenhouses. Through the production of onion and cabbage, we can help our project and the food packages for the poor families. 

  • Seed of love team plants trees and banana trees

  • In 2023, some home visits took place to visit the families and children at home and evaluate their situation. 

  • In addition, the first mentorship program was launched

  • For the first time, three volunteers from Belgium went to Kenya to visit the project for one month. 

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